What your results mean
The test first checks for HPV infection. If you test positive for HPV - the same sample will then be looked at under a microscope for abnormal cell changes.
You will receive one of the following results:
- HPV negative or HPV not found
Most people will receive this result. You will be invited for screening again in 3 to 5 years (depending on your age).
- HPV positive but no abnormal cells
This result means that there is HPV in the cells of your cervix but when those cells were looked at under a microscope- they did not look abnormal.
80% of us will be infected by HPV at some point in our lives. Most people clear the infection off naturally, so you will be asked to come back again (usually within a year) to check if the HPV is still there and whether the cells look abnormal or not.
- HPV positive and abnormal cells found
This result means that HPV was found and there are also changes to the cells of your cervix.
You will be invited to have a colposcopy. This is a test that feels similar to cervical screening, however the healthcare professional examining you will also use a special microscope to look more closely at your cervix.
Abnormal cells can then be treated, preventing them from turning into cancer.